Destruction is faster than creation
The Portland building with Portlandia Sculpture black and white photographed straight up by Cameron R Neilson

Destruction is faster than creation

[embedplusvideo height="368" width="605" standard="" vars="ytid=l7CDQ8CIyRg&width=605&height=368&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep3394" /] In a slight departure from the usual Straight Up images,  I give you this quick video.  The gallery show that has consumed my…

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Seattle Library
The Seattle Library Straight Up in Seattle, WA. Abstract black and white photograph by Cameron R Neilson

Seattle Library

The Seattle Library is a beautiful building and it took all my power to not tilt the camera even the slightest to show more of it. It wouldn't be in…

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